MISSION STATEMENT The Friends of Hamlin Beach State Park objectives would be to support the preservation, conservation, improvements, and the development of Hamlin Beach State park and the CCC/POW Camp that is also on State Park Property.
The Friends Group will offer educational and recreational programs, services, and activities reflective of and consistent with the history and nature of the park and CCC camp; to engage in fund raising activities, to purchase or otherwise acquire objects, equipment, and supplies for the benefit of Hamlin Beach State Park, and to otherwise support and promote Hamlin Beach State Park and the CCC/POW Camp Site for the benefit of the public and posterity.
Meetings are held the 2nd Wednesday of each month @ 7pm in the Park office conference room. All are welcomed to attend! For more info: Contact: FOHBSP@gmail.com Click HERE for a Friends of Hamlin Beach State Park membership application